Impressions From a Colorful Event – The Cow Parade

If you had to choose a word that could characterize anyone’s childhood, what word would it be? Personally, we would say “colors”, as each of us probably felt a little artist as soon as he/she could grab a brush and water colors! And since June 1st is International Children’s Day, a local dairy producer decided that would be great to organize a colorful event that could equally bring joy to the kids, as well as good memories to their parents. The reporters from #diez took care to catch all the interesting moments in their article, that inspired us to share our impression with national and international friends.

And joy was exactly what I saw on the faces of those who decided to see the first Cow Parade organized in Moldova. Behind the Triumphal Arch, lots of children and adults admired the enthusiast artists who painted the 10 fiberglass sculptured cows.

Laughter and curiosity were floating among the happy children and their good mood fulfilled the event. Even the painters seemed to be more creative due to them! Full of ideas and originality, the representatives of the 10most creative projects rolled up their sleeves and started their works of art!

After some hours of painting, the white cows couldn’t be recognized anymore, as they became full of images. In the photos below you can see the working process, as well as the final results.

Furthermore, those who couldn’t attend today the event can still visit the “exhibition”, as the painted cows will stay for a month in the Cathedral’s Square. Afterwards, maybe you’ll even bump into one, as these exhibits will be laid out in different districts of the city!

Here are the works of art made by each team!






Designer Alina Smironova


The newspaper „Komsomolskaia Pravda” in Moldova

White-Art Studio






School of Arts „A. Stârcea”



College of Plastic Arts „A. Plămădeală”

Publicis Moldova


Photos from #diez

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